Class Action

We represent California employees in wage and hour class actions throughout California.

A class action is also sometimes called a “collective” action.  A class action is where one or more employees file a lawsuit on behalf of themselves and on behalf of all other employees who also suffered the same loss. This type of lawsuit is common in situations where the employer failed to pay all employees for such things as:

  • Regular wages
  • Overtime wages
  • Double time wages
  • Missed meal breaks
  • Commissions
  • Reimbursement for business expenses

Because class actions allow all of the employees to “pool” their claims together, class actions are an effective way to bring relatively small claims that may otherwise not be filed by each individual employee because each employee’s loss is relatively small.

Our experienced class action attorneys have effectively recovered millions on dollars in unpaid wages, unpaid overtime, missed meal break penalties, and missed rest break penalties on behalf of California employees.

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